Monday, May 20, 2013

God's Word in Our Heart

In church yesterday, we had several adults share a small part of their story about how they learned language (in celebration of Pentecost Sunday), and  a number of them remarked about the importance of Bible reading and scripture memorization at an early age. In fact one adult even had a little chart that her mother had made for her when she was three years old and memorizing Bible verses. She got to put a star on a crown for every verse memorized. Psalm 119:11 says,  "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you." Hiding God's word in our heart takes discipline and sometimes creativity! But the benefits are out of this world!

I want to introduce you to Seeds Family Worship and a really great method they have for memorizing scripture. You can check out their website and download a PDF of a Verse Memorization Checklist. And the really cool thing about each of the verses listed is that they coincide with a song that Seeds Family Worship has recorded which is word-for-word scripture. Music is a powerful way to remember things, and I love that Seeds has spent so much time coordinating all of these things. In fact, you can LISTEN ONLINE to get a taste of their great songs!