Friday, February 21, 2014

Whose Purpose Are You Serving?

"For David, after he had served God's purpose in his own generation, died, was buried with his ancestors, and experienced decay…" Acts 13:36

Chances are good that we all know the account of King David from the Bible…the ups and downs of the life of this man after God’s own heart. I’m struck by this one little phrase from Acts 13:36: “after he had served God’s purposes in his own generation.” We are ALL serving someone’s purposes in our own generation, so the question I’m asking myself is, “Whose purposes am I serving in my own generation?” We each get one turn at this life, and I know that I want to spend my life serving God’s purposes…not my own, not another human's. So what does that look like in the culture we live in that screams at us to do what feels good, to serve yourself, to get ahead no matter the cost?

I’m grieved when I see young people who say they love the Lord serving purposes other than God’s. Sports. Music. Entertainment. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not anti-extracurricular activities. I think there are great benefits to team activities. But I AM anti-activities that become lord of your life. Activities that become the reason you live and move and have your being. None but Jesus deserve that place.

So the question is: whose purposes are you serving? Whose purposes are your children serving? I want to be able to say along with Joshua that "as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

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